The mission of our office has been employee-oriented since its establishment in 1996. We represent employees in various disputes concerning employment relationships and employment relationships in the public sector, and we act as a partner and advisor dozens of trade unions.
Attorney's office specialized in labour law and government employee law
Typical employment disputes in our office include civil cases related salary arrears, termination of employment relationship, cooperation procedure, and equality and non-discrimination trials. Various matters related to labour offences and breach of offices, compensation lawsuits related to occupational safety crimes are also the core area of our operations.
We also consult employees, clerical workers and upper clerical workers/managers in various situations related to the conclusion and termination of employment relationships, such as reviewing employment and so-called management contracts and making termination contracts.
In addition, we deal with interpretation and offence cases related to collective agreements concluded by various trade unions in the Labour Court.
In connection with employment relationships in the public sector, we also assist office-holders and government employees in all matters related to employment relationships in the public sector, for example in Administrative Courts and in the Supreme Administrative Court.
In addition, our office also represents musicians, artists and other copyright holders in intellectual property mattes, and provides tax advice to artists.
Our offices attorney-at-laws have very a broad range of experience in all civil and criminal cases related to employment relationships in general courts and as for employment relationships in the public sector in administrative courts. We have also represented employees in the Court of Justice of the European Union and in the European Court of Human Rights, in addition which we have experience in the Insurance Court (including accident and occupational disease cases) and in the Market Court (copyright cases).